Statement of Conformance


MES Statement of Conformance

MES provides security service in circumstances where weakened governance creates complex, fragile and hostile environments. The Government of Iraq, our clients and the communities within our area of operations, our partners and our suppliers all rely on us to operate in a responsible manner that protects human rights safety and security, which protects assets (both tangible and intangible) while conforming to international law, Iraqi laws and human rights.

Every aspect of our business practice and service delivery is governed by our Code of Business Ethics and Standards of Conduct and our corporate Business Management System (BMS). These are founded upon our commitment to respecting human rights and follow the guiding principles of human rights. To demonstrate our credibility in applying these principles, we ensure that our entire way of doing business and all our operations are externally certified to ISO 18788:2015, ANSI-ASIS PSC.1-2012 and ISO 9001:2015 Standards and fully aligned with a series of International Standards (ISOs). These encompass the full scope of our business functions and services.


In complex operating environments, the State’s own ability to protect human rights may be diminished. Other states and parties may also be known or suspected of acting in a way which has an adverse impact on human rights. In these circumstances, our rigorous application of the principles enshrined in our Code of Business Ethics and Standards of Conduct assists us in minimizing the risk of our own actions causing adverse impacts upon human rights.
We respect our people, clients and the communities within which we operate by acting upon firmly held, communicated and administered principles of fairness, equality, integrity and dignity. Our responsible approach, operating our management systems within our robust Legal Operating Framework, includes:

•  Using a formal, enterprise-wide procedure for the management of internal and external risk, applied to all aspects of our business processes and decision-making at all levels.


•  Applying a rigorous, fair and risk-based process for the selection, recruitment and vetting of our people, our partners, our suppliers and, where appropriate, our clients.


•  Providing the healthiest and safest working environment possible for all of our people.


•  Promoting and maintaining the assurance of quality of service across all of our business processes and services.


•  Managing and reducing potential impacts of our business operations on the human, and natural environment around us.

•  When risks are realized and disruptions occur, protecting our stakeholders by ensuring that we are prepared, rehearsed and ready to respond rapidly and coherently to resolve the impacts and restore stability, regardless of the levels of scale or complexity.

•  Embedding a culture of professional excellence through coherent and progressive programs of training, education and talent management for all of our people, across all departments and at all levels.

•  Diligently assessing and demanding compliance with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers and the UN’s Guiding Principles when selecting potential clients, associates, suppliers, partners and contractors.

•  Employing, contracting and fairly reimbursing all our personnel and suppliers in accordance with laws, regulations and standards applicable in Iraq and countries of origin.


•  Monitoring and auditing our business transactions and activities in accordance with strict rules and processes to ensure prudence and Integrity in all our business relationships

•  Firmly rejecting and condemning all forms of bribery and corrupt practice at all levels and in all countries of operation.

•  Adhering to applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the procurement, import and export of goods required for the delivery of our services.


•  Ensuring and respecting freedom of expression in matters of faith, gender, culture and heritage in all aspects of our business.

•  Through our service delivery, facilitating freedom of movement for our clients and other key stakeholders within the regions and communities wherein we operate.

•  Through the employment, professional development and contracting of services of individuals and groups within our local communities, we shall contribute to growth, stability and sustainability of these communities.

•  Enhancing the quality of lives in the communities around us by providing social assistance programs, conscious of social, faith and cultural sensitivities and associated risks.


When a disruptive or undesirable event occurs, we manage the full range of resulting impacts, minimizing adverse effects and restoring our services, rapidly and seamlessly.


Where these incidents involve an adverse impact on human rights, we will take all possible steps to remedy these through both judicial” and non-judicial processes, specifically:


•  We operate a formal process for receiving and responding to internal and external grievances. Where confidentiality is needed, through our Grievance Policy.

•  The Company maintains a fair and robust formal disciplinary process which is employed when the Company’s Code of Business Ethics and Standards of Conduct is contravened.

•  We submit to due legal process where a judicial solution is required.


We learn lessons from these events and continually improve our performance through performance evaluation processes that have been certified as effective by external auditors.

All of our personnel and tiers of management are formally allocated responsibility and accountability for the management of risk, assurance of quality and adherence to the values and standards covered within this statement.


The MES Country Management Team, supported by subordinate committees”, is responsible for providing top management direction, guidance and the moral and physical resources to enable these levels of responsible governance and compliance to be met and sustained.

If you wish to explore any aspect of this statement further, please enquire through [email protected]
If you wish to make a complaint or a grievance against the company or its employees
Internal: [email protected]
External: [email protected]


Dated: 18/09/2017

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Statement of Conformance


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